Change Agent Nari From Shanty Bay Ps, Oro Medonte, On
A Change Agent is someone who makes positive change in global issues. I made a mixed media artwork that shows how plastic pollution destroys our freshwater and oceans. It was displayed at the oro township hall, the horticultural society, and now in the front foyer of our school. I also made a website with tips, facts, vidios, and pictures and I also made a pledge board for people to change everyday habits in their life. My pledge is something that people can participate in to make practical changes in their lives, changes that will improve the world’s water supply.
My mixed media artwork shows how I feel about water pollution. This dark side is what water pollution has become. And the other side is basically us looking forward to a better future. As you can see, even on the good side, there is still junk that symbolises that plastic will always be on our earth unless we can do something to change it!
This year I am making more art pieces. I am making a statue out of plastic water bottles that would’ve been recycled to bring attention to how much plastic is used. I also want to make a dress out of wrappers to show how much garbage there is.
Here are some things that we can do to help reduce plastic in our water:
No straws, no plastic water bottles, buy local food, use natural clothing, or reuse items!
I love being a change agent, there are so many positive things that being a change agent brings into my life. By being a Change Agent I can learn all about other global issues and spend time with good examples for me and others to follow. Now I feel like I can do anything. Being a Change Agent showed me that anyone can make a change no matter how big the problem.
For more information about my project go to my blog.
On my blog, you can find tips on how to keep water healthy, facts about water pollution, explanations of my art and links to helpful videos.